ナリブシ kidney bean ― 2009/09/18 09:27:24
今日の体重: 67.4kg
7月にナリブシの苗を買ってきて鉢で育ててみた。付いていた説明書には「沖縄 島インゲン」と書かれていた。丈夫で育て易かった。実も多く、サラダにして食べたがなかなか美味しかった。最後に実を残し種を採取した。写真のように思ったより小さかった。
Today's my body weight : 67.4kg
I bought a seedling of 'Naribushi' in July, and cultivated it in a pot.
'Okinawa Shima-Ingen' was written on its printed description, an ingen means
a kidney bean.
It had grown easily for two months.
I ate mixed salad with these beans, tasting good.
I have gotten some seeds in hulls lately.
These seeds are smaller than I have imaged in a picture.
7月にナリブシの苗を買ってきて鉢で育ててみた。付いていた説明書には「沖縄 島インゲン」と書かれていた。丈夫で育て易かった。実も多く、サラダにして食べたがなかなか美味しかった。最後に実を残し種を採取した。写真のように思ったより小さかった。
Today's my body weight : 67.4kg
I bought a seedling of 'Naribushi' in July, and cultivated it in a pot.
'Okinawa Shima-Ingen' was written on its printed description, an ingen means
a kidney bean.
It had grown easily for two months.
I ate mixed salad with these beans, tasting good.
I have gotten some seeds in hulls lately.
These seeds are smaller than I have imaged in a picture.
ベジ・コン(3) Vegetable container gardening (3) ― 2008/06/20 10:46:38
今日の体重: 69.8kg
Today's my body weight : 69.8kg
This is a photo of a month after I sowed lettuce in the container.
I sowed five kinds of mix lettuce seeds, and then two are growing now.
It is too bad that the purple-red-colored lettuce is not grow.
However, thinned lettuces were soft and good taste.
(click the photo to enlarge it)
Today's my body weight : 69.8kg
This is a photo of a month after I sowed lettuce in the container.
I sowed five kinds of mix lettuce seeds, and then two are growing now.
It is too bad that the purple-red-colored lettuce is not grow.
However, thinned lettuces were soft and good taste.
(click the photo to enlarge it)
ベジ・コン(2) Vegetable container gardening (2) ― 2008/05/24 16:07:32
ベジ・コン(1) Vegetable container gardening (1) ― 2008/05/20 13:56:02